tiistai 1. kesäkuuta 2021

About publicity and position

 It is a clushee that all would want publicity and an as high position as possible, but if obe does not have something valuable to give so widely, it is't a good idea. If one has good product to sell internationally and skills and a wide production capacity for that, then ut maybe makes sense. Also publicity because one can teach some skill or ralent, is often ok. Byt if obe does nit have such skills so much, one just ruins thibgs bt publicity.

27th of July 2021   As younger when reading news I used to wonder could I learn high skills in thar area of life, and did not quite understand why the soviety or world is like what it is. But as I have blogged, I have noticed that one can write a good text only if one has had that area of life as a hobby for years or has similar skills  and then one can write some basic advice for beginners, something that is good to know if one has such a hobby, and so only such dedication and wish to help others produces good texts. Similarly if one wonders how was some job or company decided, only those with dedication wish to invest big sums of money and csn figure out what to do init, what is a good idea in it and whst not and how to learn the practical skills needed in it. So in a sense one csnnot choose which job or achievement to do but i stead one's inclination decides, one's nature produces best quality where one loves the subject and has good will to help others in the society, makes something worth money.

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