lauantai 5. kesäkuuta 2021

The relationship of a writer to the opinions he/she writes about

 I have written a lot tovthe internet, thousands of pieces of advices. But it's effect on my life has been different from what I have in school etc learned about what is expected from a writer. A writer claims that things are in a certain way and that one ought to follow certain values, which then the writer is demanded to follow in his/her life in a way thst fits well into the society, is moral enough. So people wantvto force the writer carry responsibility about what one writes and how, and also serve as an example of how well such things work in life, is it worth investing in and what such life is like in practice. This of course applied with common sense and fair play. But the effect of my texts has been kind of subdued, I have lost hobbies etc instead of gaining them. The idea ought to have been that a writer just writes some thought but ought to follow it according to common sense and moral in all of one's life.

The above applies to public writing, like blogs for example. It foes not apply to personal emails etc, since those are not so well thought of, but instead more like searching for one's views, momentary first impressions and communicated in a way that appliesto the intended recipient(s) only.

The public texts are demanded to be fully moral, not lies, not too unsure, not too unobjectice.  Criticism toward some public text is also demanded to be fully moral and according to healthy common sense, for example fully honest and of good enough quality which ought to be at least school level objectivity plus moral.

There is a saying / a rule : "One ought to live according to what one teaches."   Esoecially with young people ut is important to not to mislead people, but one ought not mislead the older obes either.

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