sunnuntai 19. syyskuuta 2021

Some facts about publicity and position

 I have been an internet writer for over 20 years. That is in publicity without being in the newspapers, magazines, tv or radio, or books or CDs. 

In school pupils get used to reading fact texts and learn basic skills about such.

It is typical that what one produces does not interest others much. So one does not get any fans. Those in the media who have fans are unusual and in the media because their input is liked and valued. 

If one is in sight without being interedting, afyer some amiunt others want to shut you down, espwcially enemies want to get rid your sight. 

In the meduas some also wsnt to get your place, so it is worth advertising if you use a free internet site, etc. Like my blogs are st the free blog site, and videos at the free video site .

Generally one does not get any feedback about texts, some just read it and got some kind of impression of it but were not so i terested init. Very many people read really lot every day. 

Beung in the media does not make one happy, quite opposite. Typically one has some skill or other strong good side that many people want to learn and that is why one is in the media. But most do not learn it fullt, so that one gets as feedback a severe lowering of one's skills and quality of life. Except when one got classified right and got no feedback, so that one can enjoy lufe with one's own skills. The audience isn't equal with one's skills, but instead like young kuds comoared with an adult, so that even their teacher is harmfully low in skills.

Politicians need to be liked a lit. Otherwise thete is too much fighting and sabotage. So one cannot put to politics people who only have somethi g to say. 

If you sre in publicity, most people pay attention to whst you are like and wonder if you could be attacked or made some cunning plans against you or to interfere a lit with your lufe. So it is not wise to be in publicity about social matters or your personal characteridtics, except if you can bear such sttention with it's consequences. 

Often people from other conyinents and otherwise from very fifferent kinds of culyural groups msy react really weird. 

The basic advice is to treat people who hsve been  in the publicity according to justice and responbly & according to common sense, like with a peace activist you might discus their views on peace but not attsck because of softness, and a dog lover of certain breed would attract lovers of tge same breed and not people wanting to replace dogs with cats. So it is a matter of finding your own groip instead of consuming everything and taking it personally that they are not your favoyrites. Generally I have the impression thst the internet needs much more such tuning. 

perjantai 10. syyskuuta 2021

Kännykkä on huonompi kuin tietokoneen netti

Nyt puolen vuoden verran kännykällä nettiä käytettyäni on olo, että moinen eivtoimi vaan on luonteeltaan pois jäävä tapa. Sen sijaan läppiksellä vuosia netsttuani on olo, että netti on tulevaisuuden juttu ja tietokoneet myös. Mutta kännykän näyttö on ihan liian pieni ja vaikka tekstikin on pienellä, niin jotenkin en ymmärrä sillä lukemaani ollenkaan niin hyvin kuin tietokoneen netistä lukemaani ja lehtiä ja kirjoja. En sitten tiedä, onko tuo yksilöllinen ero, mutta kännykällä tulee tehtyä jotenkin liian hutaisten ja siksi sitten jää kokemus jotenkin vajaaksi ja niin menee uudelleen kännykälle yhtä laijoin yuloksin. Eli kännykkä ei vain kooltaan ja jatkuvasti mukana roikkumusensa vuoksi ole kyllin hyvä käyttää.

Terv. Hannele "

torstai 22. heinäkuuta 2021

Be happier and have better quality by using laptop

 For some five months now I have used my mobile phone for blogging and for reading internet pages, and it is just a nuisance and does not allow one to drown in any deep thoughts or atmospheres of pages, worlds created by pictures etc. Instead one just bypasses things kind of agitated and makes masses of spelling errors. Then going to my old laptop and opening the same blog page with it is just an enermous relief, so nice the pictures, so much space for the tect which somehow needs the room for thoughts being understood.

torstai 15. heinäkuuta 2021

Some communication obstacles of blogging

 I have wondered why it is so difficult to get readers observe that I am a woman. So I put an "f" after my name to make it clearer. But today I did nit have a good enough profile picture, so I was for a while without one and so I noticed that in the picture's place there was a drawn male figure on blue background. Yet in my profile information in Finnish there was correctly that I am a woman.

Earlier I tried expressing shorter where I live and marked "Finland, North Europe" which led me to notice that people think that there is only one nation in North Europe and thst it is Sweden, ibstead of the five Finland, Sweden,  Norway, Denmark and Iceland. I guess that some have adverticed wrong. So I have to mark "Finland, North-East Europe".

keskiviikko 14. heinäkuuta 2021

Mitä käy jos blogilla on kiehtova aihe kuin kirjalla tai lehden tarinalla

 Olen ihmetellyt, kun elämäni on mennyt jotenkin ihan eri lailla kiin olisin luullut. Olen blogannut ehkä 12 vuotta ja olenluullut, että hyväkin blohi liokittuu saman aiheen muiden kirjoitusten koukkoon harrastajien luettavaksi, mutta vaikuttaa diltä, että kirjamaista viehätystä omaavat blogit liokittuvat niihin rinnasteisten samantapaista kuehtovuutta omaavien kurjojen ym kanssa samaan, esim sirkuspäiväkirja luokittui kai Ronja ryövärintuttären ja Mozartin kanssa samantapaisesti viehättäväksi, ja engl. tonttutaitokirjoiyukseni arktisuuden, eläinten kanssa juttelun, humanoidirobottien ja automaattiohjattujen autojen kanssa samantapaiseksi  mitä sitten on tullut elinympäristööni kurjoitusteni varsinaisen sisällön sijasta.

 18.3.2022  Löysin koverretun puunrunkokanootin lusäksi vanhan filmin puunkuoresta tehdystä kanootista, Kanadan kntiaanien sekin, ja siitä jäi vaikutelma kukn videon vanhan inyiaanin kanssa olisi boinut jytella kanootin yiimoilta vielä nyt 75 vuotta myöhemmin, mutta ettei hänellä niin muuta elämää, kuin olisi jäänyt ihailijoidensa kantamaksi eikä se riittänyt tavalliseen elämään vaan vain kanootintekoon. Voikohan minulla olla sama, kun tonttutaitokurjoitus on kaivattu muttei minulla oikein muuta elämää.

sunnuntai 27. kesäkuuta 2021

Varo blogiteemojen värien muuntumusta ikäviksi

 " 27.6.2021   Olen kirjoittanut nettiin parikymmentä vuotta ja minulla on liokkaa 90 blogia, ja ammattini on käytännössä ollut nettikurjoittaja vaikkei siitä palkkaa saa. Blogeihin on erilaisia teemoja ja niin voi valita mm värin  mutta värit muuntuvat ajan myötä, ja olen ihnetellyt, kun reilun vuoden olen ollut hionopäinen ja mm tyhmentävää kutomisvaikutetta tullut, niin ruskea blogoni onkin ollut kutomisrn tyhmentämän pään tai pöperön sävyinen  en tiefä, kuinka ksuan, mutta siitä kai ihan fiksujen kurjoitudteni myötä on tullut tyhmrntävää vaikutetta kobin palkon  ja nyt sitten yritän pähkäillä, missä kaikissa blogeissani ln niin. Mm sininen sävy esti tsrkentamasta katsetta ja ajattrlun sijasta toi murlikuvituksrn ja epäilwvyyden, joten tavallinen teksti valkealla perustaustalla luenee kommunikaation kannalta paras. Ja luulen, etteivrudjrita niin lueta, esim ympäristöongelmien ratkaisuvinkkejä sisältävän blohini värinä olikin ruskean yläpalkin l7säksi pissankeltainen. "

lauantai 5. kesäkuuta 2021

The relationship of a writer to the opinions he/she writes about

 I have written a lot tovthe internet, thousands of pieces of advices. But it's effect on my life has been different from what I have in school etc learned about what is expected from a writer. A writer claims that things are in a certain way and that one ought to follow certain values, which then the writer is demanded to follow in his/her life in a way thst fits well into the society, is moral enough. So people wantvto force the writer carry responsibility about what one writes and how, and also serve as an example of how well such things work in life, is it worth investing in and what such life is like in practice. This of course applied with common sense and fair play. But the effect of my texts has been kind of subdued, I have lost hobbies etc instead of gaining them. The idea ought to have been that a writer just writes some thought but ought to follow it according to common sense and moral in all of one's life.

The above applies to public writing, like blogs for example. It foes not apply to personal emails etc, since those are not so well thought of, but instead more like searching for one's views, momentary first impressions and communicated in a way that appliesto the intended recipient(s) only.

The public texts are demanded to be fully moral, not lies, not too unsure, not too unobjectice.  Criticism toward some public text is also demanded to be fully moral and according to healthy common sense, for example fully honest and of good enough quality which ought to be at least school level objectivity plus moral.

There is a saying / a rule : "One ought to live according to what one teaches."   Esoecially with young people ut is important to not to mislead people, but one ought not mislead the older obes either.

tiistai 1. kesäkuuta 2021

How to stop messages from coming

 As far as I know most email newsletters etc have somewhere in the message, typically very neaf ut's end an UNSUBSCRIBE link. 

Search results can be filtereft, there ought to be some small link to extra choices from which to find it in tge search engine. 

Likewise incoming email can prevent emails from certain senders.

When you make internet searches, tge pages you choose to vidit a lit, get marked as your favourites, so choose carefully from the search listings which kinds of pages you wanna cultivare in your searches and vidit and read just such.

About publicity and position

 It is a clushee that all would want publicity and an as high position as possible, but if obe does not have something valuable to give so widely, it is't a good idea. If one has good product to sell internationally and skills and a wide production capacity for that, then ut maybe makes sense. Also publicity because one can teach some skill or ralent, is often ok. Byt if obe does nit have such skills so much, one just ruins thibgs bt publicity.

27th of July 2021   As younger when reading news I used to wonder could I learn high skills in thar area of life, and did not quite understand why the soviety or world is like what it is. But as I have blogged, I have noticed that one can write a good text only if one has had that area of life as a hobby for years or has similar skills  and then one can write some basic advice for beginners, something that is good to know if one has such a hobby, and so only such dedication and wish to help others produces good texts. Similarly if one wonders how was some job or company decided, only those with dedication wish to invest big sums of money and csn figure out what to do init, what is a good idea in it and whst not and how to learn the practical skills needed in it. So in a sense one csnnot choose which job or achievement to do but i stead one's inclination decides, one's nature produces best quality where one loves the subject and has good will to help others in the society, makes something worth money.

maanantai 1. maaliskuuta 2021

Seacrh engines ought not bring many results from one writer

 I have written a lot to the internet, almost solely blogs plus made my books available, and earlier made videos. I have some problems of people, especially women attacking in my life as if they wanted to erase my kinds of people. It appears they made siome internet search or subscribed my blog posts in some way, so that they think I get much too much publicity on their computer. They appear people interested in social information so that they would have chosen to receive all of my posts or the like, and since I am an internet writer, they get too much post from my blogs. It appears also that they get much too much my blogs in their search results, 1% of which already could be too much since they are different type of people with different values and different social style/ways than I. So in such ordered posting or search es based on search history there should be some information about on which reason they receive the posts and how many they receive them in a week, a month or so, and how to choose a better more common sense like amount of my posts, like for example nio posts or once a month.

tiistai 2. helmikuuta 2021

Hienoja aiheita

 Mietin tässä, kun villakoirani blogissa on ainakin viime aikoina ollut hienoja aiheita, mm oodi sille ja lastenkirjayritelmä sekä susihukkanen, että villakoirani banjo on itse hienoista aiheista harrastunut, ja niin sen ympäristö tuottaa vähän jotain samalta suunnalta, ja niistä sitten koostuu tuo anti. Se harrastelee luontoa ja taidetta, on kiinnostunut sanomalehden näkemyksellisistä jutuista sekä susista yms kertovista luontoaiheista lehdessä. Niin sitten, kun jokin hyvä aihe tulee vastaan, niin sen aika usein osaa täydentää ihan hyväksi blogikirjoitukseksi, jos poimii siitä onnistuneen eiköä yritä kaavan mukaan aina samaa. Esim. kun se näki viime viikolla jokin aamuyö unta lastenkirjasta, niin kiinnitin huomiota siihen, miten hienoja vesivärikuvia villakoirista (itsestään) se oli siihen ajatellut, mutta kun en osannut niitö maalata, niin otin jonkun kivan kúvan, ja vain yhden, kun ei sen nukkuma-aikana ollut niin montaa aihetta, ja kirjasin ylös sen näkemyksen kirjan tekstistä. Ja susihukkanen sitten sen tapaan harrasteli aihetta, luulen, ja niin tuliu lisäys sudesta.