In my Finnish blog about healing someone hadcreplaced some healing instruction of mine with their own which lacked the good sides of mine. It deems that such could have happened also to some other healkng advices of mine, mostly leaving a dizzy nurse like impression that does notvheal, at least not so well. I have wondered why i feel dizzy, but now i know the reason. I have been somewhat leaning on my blogs, thinking they are resilts of my 23 years of writing work. Now i know that the results don't last. Maybe they were nit so much wanted in thecworld, maybe the times sre bad. There was a demand for them byt i guess that not enough skills in protecting thevresults of my lifetime's work.
20.3.2022 " If you like some blog of mine, try to make a safety copy or arrange some library or wharever keep their own copies of pages, since the world is wide, many different kinds of people in it so one cannot know what will be preserved in the long run. "
Can it be that search engines should be optimuzed per each country or smaller area and certainly not globally. When i make a search with some keywords, the search always gives hundreds of thoysands or millions pages, only some tens of which i see in the listing. So if someone does not like certain types of blogs, it ought to be possiblevto nit to classify them so high in the lustings. Is there some tendency to suggest the same writers again and again? That sounds like the cause for these problems.