tiistai 28. huhtikuuta 2020

Koiran näkemys hakukoneista

Minulla on 11-vuotias fiksu lukutaitoinen villakoira. Kysyin siltä, millainen on hyvä hakukone. Se vastasi: "Jos hyönteiset / pienet joita on monta, jättää pois hakutuloksista hakukone ei toimi, sillä pienet suuttuvat ja sabotoivat sen. Pitäsii olla kaikki tulokset ja sitten vaan nostaa niistä kärkeen hakijaa kiinnostavat."

Tuosta tuli mieleeni, pitäisikö haun tuoda ryhmiä, joita sitten voisi katselkla, eikä suoraan tuloksia.

torstai 16. huhtikuuta 2020

Larger audience

The Eurovision song contest this year has been cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemia. But I have watched in http://youtube.com the two this far published Eurovision home edition videos that have singers talking and performing in home or studio environment. When I watched the latter it had had some 190 000 views, and those both left a good taste, even though not so fine looking or magnifient, anyway a good effect to life, while the Eurovision song contest with 200 million watchers was always somewhat ackward to look at from time to time and left somehow disturbing effect to ordinary life, yet was very interesting to look at. So I wonder if Europeans can carry the number of listeners this year but not so much as the 1000 times bigger audience ordinarily in Eurovision song contest.
My experience is that a thousand times bigger number demands wisdom of life and the ability to generalize exactly. With wisdom of life that is usually needed in life in these modern times, like the relationship of work to hobbies and free time, individuality to being social and living in a society, technology and natrurality, rationality and feelings, etc. With such wisdom you can have something wise to say to many people, answetr their questions about life with your view, so that there is the same course fitting many, and so you do not need to take the groups separately. In this you need also an ability to generalize objectively so that you do not miss some atmosphere tones or other features and get the whole tilted this way or that way without carrying such a large whole. But instead get it right.
But of course I know only about thinking and writing, not about tv etc.