perjantai 18. joulukuuta 2020

Writing a good blog

My poodle Banjo said that he would like to start an English blog, and star with a Christmas greeting and as a present the blog. The greeting would say something like: "Banjo the Poodle wishes a Good Christmas and a Happy new Year 2021!" and have a picture of Banjo with a Christmas flower. 

I said that the blog ought to have just best pieces of how Banjo has been on an adventure in my other blogs, and not just try to write a blog and write a blog, etc, since such is work like and does not give the writer any hint of how to write. Instead I ought to need highlights, atmospheres, sources of joy, insights, wisdom of life, smnall tales, and good pictures of nature, pets, home life or the like. 

maanantai 14. joulukuuta 2020

Writers and artists do not need all possible feedback

 I am a writer. I write teaching material to the inetrnet around the subject rationality of feelings. I mostly know the subject very well, while others typically do not have skills in just the rationality of feelings. So mostly I think that if the readers discuss the subject with some poepl they know, they just learn to think it through better, and maybe spread the interest to such, but it isn't any skilled comment to my text and not so eager either I guess. So mostly I am without feedback and that is good so. 

I have also composed some short melodies. In being a composer the same phenomenom is even much clearer: The melodies are from my own experriuence of liufe which I usually remember well, while those who have seen the note mostly do not know so well what kind of experiuence it was. And if they hear someone playing it, maybe they played it in a different way and so even the subject of the melody was not communicated. So I think that often composers do not need any feedback. But of course skilled people who understand about composing, music, wisdom of life, the areas if life composed about, etc werll, they could give some feedback, talk a little, but I guess that otherwise it isnät needed, but one ought to know how widely spread the music is and who playes it to which large groups and dud they like it.

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16th of December 2020   Quite often good quality pieces of art and even texts are placed somehow higher than the readers. In a sense that is of course so: as an artist or a writer or a thinker the readers etc maybe couldn't produce as good quality. But on the other hand, good quality demands that the subject would ber all-human and well communicated, well taught, found in the everyday lives of the readers or have some common major happening. So in a sense the text, sonbg or whatever it is lifts the readers to quite much the same level as the piece of art or text, teaches it to the readers, listeners or the like, and so the full effect, the major task of the work as largely at the same level as the readers, which may be higher skill etc than the usual of the readers yused tyo be.

maanantai 7. syyskuuta 2020

Original recordings

I watched some half of a video of Peking some hundred years ago. It tasted like life, so it could have been among the first filmed things. There were available also other youtube videos from some time later years but those looked like as if the people in them  were either actors or had watched the original film and wanted to take part in such, so that it no longer was a documentary of ordinary life to make people's pictures of the world better and to teach about life.
Years ago I heard one of the first recordings of music and it was just like a dream, charming, not self-conscious, like the later recordings were always listening to what kind of sound they now produce via the equipment. It was just sang for the beauty and enjoyment of music.
I guess that the internet is somewhat overcoming that problem of lower quality, since in it those interested in appearing in recordings get widely the chance for that and some audience too. That is like a performance of some kind, searching for something fine, like looks, enjoyment, high skills, interesting things to offer. So in a sense it has become a matter of skill or of enthusiasm.
Documents on the other hand are a different kind of thing. Instead of appearing skiulled and offering view to something dream like, they tell about life in practice, which is a more well working ground for the audience to build upon.
The cahrm of a recording like an original recording comes from it giving room to things themselves. Instead of filming just about everything that appears to have a chance of success in the media, having manyfold amount of those things in one's life, having them in a spirited way, with skills and life skills backing themup, and using only tiny fraction of what appears to be good enough quality, so that the recording is just some glimpse of some richness of life and some areas of life of which there is lot to offer in practice for a wide group of people, and preferably for animals too since pets can rise some quality and skill and enthusiasm, some liked things to higher, more magnifient looking level, ordinary pets that is, not overused.

keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2020

About the 'do's and 'don't's of internet writing

In the internet, at least if you write in English, teh possible audience is much wider than in ordinary writing, and often it happens that you do not quite know which groups read youir texts and it may be that some read who are not up to the basic starting level common in your own country which your texts need. So if you advertise something like this is fine to have this, there maybe are masses of foreigners coming and taking it away since they do not understand the viewpoint from which it is needed and why it ought to be just like that and how to keep it up even if one is motivated. And so instead of telling of things you should tell of what kinds of things you can build such upon all over the world and what is their usefulness in whatever climate, culture and place it is. And in this refer to common internetional cultural traits likeciviliced wisdom, rationality, shops, free time, friends etc, knowing that there can be lots of variation in these among your readers. I think it is also often good to include links that teach/introduce the things mentioned and needed in your text, so that in an entirely different kind of place a like-minded can have such a hobby too.

My own text that I have somehow got stuck writing now for almost two years, I guess that it interests people abroad:

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14th of September 2020   In writing or posting material to the internet, it matters that you yourself create good quality material that is interesting as widely as you offer it. There are also other reasons than quality for other people to be in the internet, since they may be for example interesting persons for some group. Also one sometimes estimates wrong to which group some material is aimed, so that one's view of quality criterions may go ashtray if one compares too much to others. Good quality material like for example soma joy of life that is common to many, like some summer time photografs, is a joy to both the viewer and the author and gives better position for the author than posting too much material and so of lower quality too on the average.


lauantai 1. elokuuta 2020

Hakujen tekemisestä

Olen kirjoittanut montaa blogia, mutten oikein itse osaa tehdä internethakuja. Näyttää siltä, että jonkin asian harrastaja, kannattaja ei löydä paljoakaan tietoa ym sisältöä, mutta aiheesta tietämätön tai vastustaja löytää sitä sun tätä. Voiko olla, ettei hakukone oikeasti, tietosanakirjaa lukuunottamatta, ole tiedonhaun väline, vaan internetissä on sitä sun tätä materiaalia, muttei järjestelmällisesti ainakaan  edistyneille, ja niin jos on harrastunut jostakin aiheesta, niin löytää sitä sun tätä kivaa muttei juuri samasta aiheesta, esim. äsken tein urheiluaiheisen haun ja löysin kuvan, jossa jalkapalloa pelaavat näyttävät mallia mediassa toimimisesta, sekä laukkakilpailuvideon.

tiistai 28. huhtikuuta 2020

Koiran näkemys hakukoneista

Minulla on 11-vuotias fiksu lukutaitoinen villakoira. Kysyin siltä, millainen on hyvä hakukone. Se vastasi: "Jos hyönteiset / pienet joita on monta, jättää pois hakutuloksista hakukone ei toimi, sillä pienet suuttuvat ja sabotoivat sen. Pitäsii olla kaikki tulokset ja sitten vaan nostaa niistä kärkeen hakijaa kiinnostavat."

Tuosta tuli mieleeni, pitäisikö haun tuoda ryhmiä, joita sitten voisi katselkla, eikä suoraan tuloksia.

torstai 16. huhtikuuta 2020

Larger audience

The Eurovision song contest this year has been cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemia. But I have watched in the two this far published Eurovision home edition videos that have singers talking and performing in home or studio environment. When I watched the latter it had had some 190 000 views, and those both left a good taste, even though not so fine looking or magnifient, anyway a good effect to life, while the Eurovision song contest with 200 million watchers was always somewhat ackward to look at from time to time and left somehow disturbing effect to ordinary life, yet was very interesting to look at. So I wonder if Europeans can carry the number of listeners this year but not so much as the 1000 times bigger audience ordinarily in Eurovision song contest.
My experience is that a thousand times bigger number demands wisdom of life and the ability to generalize exactly. With wisdom of life that is usually needed in life in these modern times, like the relationship of work to hobbies and free time, individuality to being social and living in a society, technology and natrurality, rationality and feelings, etc. With such wisdom you can have something wise to say to many people, answetr their questions about life with your view, so that there is the same course fitting many, and so you do not need to take the groups separately. In this you need also an ability to generalize objectively so that you do not miss some atmosphere tones or other features and get the whole tilted this way or that way without carrying such a large whole. But instead get it right.
But of course I know only about thinking and writing, not about tv etc.

sunnuntai 22. maaliskuuta 2020

Eurovision song contest in the internet?

I read from the news that the Eurovision song contest this year is cancelled but that it was thought that could it have been arranged via the internet. It ought to have been in the Netherlands.
I asked from my poodle Banjo how it would arrange such an internet Eurovision song contest, and this is what idea I got, but I am not sure how much it is the same as his.

Each country could have separate country information with map and interesting facts from the point of view of music lovers and taking into account that people from the Netherlands are listening. And there could be a page with links or similar widened country parts about spring in different countries and some music like spring magic that is kind of typical to Eurovision in tv. One could have these same each year but slightly alter the wording or so if it is different country arranging the competition.
The songs could be aimed to different groups. Like 2 to 4 year olds could have their own version of the songs, aimed for them, different from adults like Swedes at such a level in tehir behaviour. And different countries could have different style in the songs aimed for them, if needed different performers too, like is nice in their opinion, like they wish for. And one could listen to the different versions of the same songs like on a playlist widened from the first video, starting with groups rthat are most important to them and then continuing to all.

My long (three parts and lots of links) text about skills of (Christmas) gnomes brought to my poodle's mind that one part could be how is music possible this way, how to get that peace and fracturelessness.

I wasn't fully following, but: 16 and 17 years old go with 1000 years rule in a country, no-one guesses why, to avoid unwanted pregnancies that is. 70 years old want own since they wish for something else than what kind of life they are usually given, since 7 is school age.

keskiviikko 11. maaliskuuta 2020

Monet esikuvat ovat haastavien tehtävien kimpussa

"Esikuvista ym vaikutteista
Katselin netistä uutisotsikoita, niin yksi, jota en kyllä lukenut juttua, oli,e ttä Seela Sella, joka on vanha nainen ja useamman kerran ollut lehtijuttujen aiheena, oli kuulemma 40 vuotta valmistellut vainajia hautajaisia varten, mikä lienee kamalan iso rasite häneltä vaikutteita saavien vinkkelistä, tuoden jotenkin vähemmän pärjäilevää elämää kuten saiuraanhoitajan ammatti sairaanhoitajilel ympäristöineen. Voiko olla, että kovin monen esikuvan kohdalla tilanne on tuollainen: kantavat jotakin taakkaa työnsä tms puolesta ja niin vaikute ei ole niin hyvää, vaan hämäävän hyvältä kuulostava ja sitten onkin vähemmänpärjäävä, jos heiltä tulee vaikutetta. Mutta sellainen, joka on vain ratas, saa kai usein elää rauhassa, ja voisi niin ollen olla hyvän vaikutteen lähettäjä, muttei niin osaavainen. Mutta osaavaisen ongelmana on, että selvittää sellaista, mihin muut eivät kykene, ja niin takkaa voi olla muille liian suuri vaikka he itse sen kevyesti kantaisivat, ja aina eivät edes itse kanna kevyesti, esim. sairaanhoitaja voi olla itse sairastunut tauteihin, puolikuntoinen. Itse kun näitä ohjeita laadin, niin kauheesti tarttee miettiä eri ryhmiä, kuka reagoi mitenkin ja kuka osaa mitenkin paljon ja kuka milläkin keilenkäytöllä ja lähestymistavalla aihepiirin kanssa tekemisissä j amitenm heiodän tuttavansa ovat aihepiirin kanssa tekemisissä, eli ihan summamutikassa ei voi elellä, jos mallia yrittää ottaa, vaikka nää kirjoituksnei pyrkii olemaan oppimateriaalia tms."

torstai 30. tammikuuta 2020

Kirjoittamisen vinkki

Kokemukseni mukaan kirjoittaminen ei lähde siitä, että pohtii, että tämän haluaisin kirjoittaa ja tuo olisi hieno, tms, sillä se on liiaksi taitoja vailla ja liian henkilökohtaista. Sen sijaan, jos sinulla on jokin harrastus tms kiinnostuksenkohde, josta opit monenlaista, katselet sitöä eri kanteilta ja osaat aika monta taitoa sen tueksi. Niin jos sen lähistöllä on jokin aihe, mikä olisi hyvä aloittelijoille yleisesti kertoa, opettaa, siis monen tavallinen kiinnostuksenkohde tai sen tarpeellisen taito. Niin jos siitä kirjoittaisit, niin osaisit monta hyödyllistä juttua, luultavasti arvostaisit aihetta, mutta se ei olisi liian henkilökohtainen ja sinulle jäisi vielä varanto omia taitoja, ja kumminkin arvostaisit laatua tuossa kirjoituksesi aihepiirissä.