keskiviikko 21. elokuuta 2024

Would you like to write a nice blog?

 My endless text of skills for a Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, i.e. dream job and a liked town etc to live in, has lots of advices, thousands, but people seem to wish for daily posts and new ideas of how to collect some advices plus some new idea plus maybe some nice picture or music video, come to mind as if somebody wished for nice blog posts brinhing good life. And they kind of suppose there being lots of people wanting to write blogs etc, see

tiistai 2. tammikuuta 2024

Pictures depend on climate preferences and on valuing such things in life

 "  What one considers nice, a thing to aim at, wise often shows in which climate one would suit, enjoy lufe there and consider it wise in a good way and with wisdom of lufe that suits oneself. The cold and cool weathers are good for looking a lot and for looking with the sense of beauty along. So people inclined to such life all the time tend to produce beautiful pictures with lots of details. So if you like some other type of pictures, for example with less details and more social, that is typically a question of climate preferences, of to where you would suit. There are such pictures too, but one ought to searvh for them in connection with cultural traditions of that climate, kind of see the ways of living as wholes. Likewise the emphazies on different areas of life are climate and culture dependent. 

These texts of mine are on a general level just to allow local variation. So ghe pictures are usually much more local, and they depend on me having liked those areas of lufe and so having treated the artifacts well and with good spirit, kind of feeling them kind of precious to me, as parts of the thinfs in my lufe which I had myself chosen. 


From my blog "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves" 

sunnuntai 3. joulukuuta 2023

About publicity

 "   I guess that publicity is born of phenomena in the society, of ghe wishes of groups and not of single persons. Like if there ws in Savonlinna an interest in making homes nice and comfortable to live in like grandparents' home at a countryside town, or good for arts and the like, that anyway is a demand in the society, a wish of many for their own lives. Even if there live artists in Savonlinna, it does not appear the same as interest in single individuals. Like this week in the Yle news, which I read here in the capital district in Espoo, there was an article of a Finnish Eurovision singer of 2023 having rented his apartment in Helsinki to others. It sounded like impossible to control what happens with such, does it cause misunderstandings, and so it no longer was a home but instead an apartment with an Eurovision singer theme, with a huge painting of him on the wall etc. Likewise now that I am without a dog after having had two higly learned dogs, I slmetimes wonder if I should have a female dog and with it puppies, but I do not know what to do with the people interested in such from some lying poibt of view, so it jydt turns out impossible. Instead such would be possible as a phenomenom of the world, instead of puppies from paradise theoretician's kennel, they could have somewhere puppues with a paradise theme, with different influencies about things suiting it, like for examole emotionality of some countrues would interest those who like them, etc. 

 Try free blogging at ! These blogs of mine are blogs, but there are many options (the different blog looks styles are called "themes") to choose from in them. If you start blogging, choose subject that you like and add to it some usually liked subject that you too like, share an interest in. And find some nice photos of yours, the site looks much better with photos, and maybe continue by adding something magnifient suggested by a friendly family member, friend or the like. You can later alter the text, but at least you get a good start, so you learn something about blogging. 

Other free blogging sites, see

You can find videos at the video site , but even though there are many videos there, for example music videos, and one can make searches, it is often difficult to find just a certain kind of video. 
